DeviantArt Birthdays!

Highlight your friends!

When looking at the birthdays front page, there are a lot of people who are celebrating birthdays. A new feature of the birthdays website is that you can get your friends names highlighted in bold on the birthdays page, so they’re a lot easier to find. Simply type in all the names your friends’ dA usernames below.

You do not have to worry about whether they exist in the database, just type all the usernames you’d like and the site will notify you when you’re done typing if there are some that are not in the database. The usernames should either be seperated by spaces or commas, or both.

The usernames are not in the database, so they will not be highlighted to you until they register their birthday with us.

Remember! This feature uses browser cookies, so please have them enabled. By using this service, you agree to us setting a cookie in your browser.
This is NOT a birthday reminder service. We will only highlight the birthdays for you when you access this site, we cannot remind you of them. So be sure to check the dA birthdays site regularly!